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  • in reply to: Members shared tips #23633
    John Rees

    Larry Ditchburn
    I joined the happy throng back in June and I have been racing seriously for 60 years and still don’t know half of it! I have been interested in all the
    strategies and would remind some of the older members that Larry Ditchburn’s method is very similar to one that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s. It came
    up with 4 races a day on a 1248 SAW basis, mainly around favourites and included handicaps and others and was successful for a long time with, I think, about
    31% SR. However the day came when it hit a run of 19 losing races and on that staking it ruined a lot of “banks and previous profits! A similar method was
    one with more filters and based on forecast favourites but profits were meagre and inconsistent. I would caution anyone to be very careful about any idea
    that promotes a staking plan that suggests a stake eight times the basic stake entirely based on sequences. I finally learned this in the late 1980s and from
    a late racing pal of mine, an engineer and mathematician, found ways of overcoming this problem, but it involves a total lack of greed and great patience.
    I am sure Larry is on the right lines in concentrating on non-handicaps but there are some sweet fish in small field handicaps at times too.
    I noticed today that Larry’s first race (1.20 Wolverhampton) was included in the list. I noticed a similar slip a couple of weeks ago. This race was also a
    Nursery and these are handicaps for 2yo and do not qualify.
    I am sure you are going in the right direction Larry but today’s results were 4 losers again I am afraid but keep up the good work. John (Short ‘Ed)

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