Re- nap and BBOTD perhaps Lingfield 17.00 Ajman princesss is a safer bet 1/33??
My nap is also the BBOTD, don’t know which that will go now,???
My NAP for today
Lingfield 15.00 Our channel 8/15
Carl-that’s a ? From me,
Darts bet update Anderson won?Booooooooooooooom
And now to cap it of Easter Day came thirdBooooom what’s in a name huh.
Yes you guessed it trumpet time for my nap Timeforwest?Booooooooooooom just need Matts BBOTD to win for a double.
Elvis is the KING, although King Robert did come secondBooooooom
Dog bets now in the correct place sorry Richard
Hove trixie bet 7.16 black alder 8.04 dusko popov 8.36 black zack
Michael-Drained, made a commitment to do place bets today and glad I did,??me next month in USA,Elvis Is still alive
Michael-I did Karalee,chose to ignore Richards selection in 15.15 just call me lucky,?
Michael-sods law if you change to win only then you might regret that decision ?
Gave you Lyreen Lad to place and he came secondBoooooooooom
Dog bet update NO BOOM?
Irish bet. 13.45 Lyreen lad to be placed