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  • in reply to: General TPS Chat #30808
    Laurie Cross

    same for me.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #30500
    Laurie Cross

    Graham and Keith have both expressed well my views on this issue. Richard’s contribution to this service is massive, he should be appreciated and rewarded accordingly.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #29971
    Laurie Cross

    I agree with the comments of Alan Corner.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #29147
    Laurie Cross

    Best of luck mate. I will watch results with interest.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #29105
    Laurie Cross

    Hi Sachin, to answer your question. For the way I understand and operate the strategies I need to be at the computer on an exchange at the immediate off-time of the race. There are two reasons for this; firstly the systems I use are price sensitive.I would not for example bet any PLACE horse in the Pippin system that was less than 1.6 on Betfair. I rarely back a place horse under 1.8. Similarly I would not back a worse to WIN, using the Larry System that was shorter than 1.8. For these reasons I need to be able to place my bets immediately before the race is off. The second reason for being at the computer is that all the systems I use are Stop at a Winner(SAW). Once my daily profit is reached I switch the computer off and do more worthwhile things!!

    I have subscribed to TPS since June 2016 and found over time these systems are profitable. There are losing days, sometimes several successive losing days, that is why it is essential to be disciplined and to operate a bank to absorb the losing days. However over time, i.e. 2/3 weeks these strategies will return a profit. I aim to make £300/400 per month which is easily managed in my experience.

    I hope this is helpful.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #29101
    Laurie Cross

    Hi John & Sachin, have a look at my comments on strategies written on 17th August ’18 on this thread in response to comments made by Richard.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #29004
    Laurie Cross

    Hi Richard, to answer your questions, I hope my response is helpful to you and others.
    I am a recreational player and aim to win £50 a day and stop if that figure is reached. Some days I win more, some days I win less, some days I lose but over time I am winning about £300 to £400 a month. Yes I play most days when circumstances allow. I utilise four strategies that are based on TPS ratings and can be found in the ‘Strategies’area.
    1. Pippins place strategy(perhaps the most successful)
    2. Carls Method using your DM selections (strongly recommended)
    3. The Larry Ditchburn win strategy.
    4. I use another successful ratings system; good, but not as good as TPS. When both systems select the same horse to win i.e. double matched, using several filters I will then consider having a bet. I get about 6 of these a week.

    I follow your Irish selections with great interest but rarely bet on them. They usually come too late in the day.

    I certainly agree with you that the site needs an overhaul, particularly the Forum area which is littered with ancient and redundant threads. It doesn’t encourage engagement. Its awful.

    I hope this helpful.

    in reply to: General TPS Chat #29000
    Laurie Cross

    Hi Richard, Just seen your ‘rant’from yesterday and in response want to reassure you that I and I expect many others greatly value and appreciate the efforts you make to provide recreational punters with an outstanding ratings system. I am in my mid 70’s and have been using racing ratings systems for over 50 years and I can honestly say TPS is by far and away the best I have ever experienced.
    Like you I miss the ‘old forum guard’, where and why did they disappear so quickly? Their contributions to the forum were outstanding. Although I contributed little I learned an awful lot from them on how best to use the ratings and I continue to make a few hundred pounds a month from their knowledge and advise.
    Keep up your good work Richard, you are a superb racing analyst.

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