Forum Replies Created
Graham Wilson
ParticipantAfter some assistance over sanctions. Not sure of this is the right area to post it but I know members will be interested and hopefully can help with the following situation.
I held an a/c with Stan James from Aug 2007 until Nov 2012. It was closed, t thought by me, due to sanctions and me not being able to place sizable bets etc. Unibet tell me the SJ traders closed it due to a review of my betting patterns. I guess because I was winning!
Feb this year SJ moved to Unibet. If you held a Unibet a/c any funds in your SJ a/c were transferred across. If no Unibet a/c held you were offered to open one. Of no interest to me as I closed my SJ a/c 5+ years earlier, or so I thought.
A week ago I got a message on my Unibet a/c that my SJ a/c had been transferred. An a/c not held with SJ since Nov 2012. Unibet tell me as I was not eligible for promotions, best odds etc with SJ that status had been transferred across and now applied to my Unibet a/c. My Unibet a/c has been held with them since Aug 2012 and had never been sanctioned or any issues raised in 5+ years. It has been conducted well by me.
I am going through a process of challenging the decision. Have received some limited data so far and have asked for a full disclosure of all data held by both Unibet and SJ. It is clear if Unibet can produce a 2012 SJ email about closing that a/c, about applying sanction in 2012, ALL of my personal data has been held by SJ almost 6 years after I left them. However my understanding of Data Protection is that a company can only keep limited relevant details once a customer leaves. To me that is name, address, DOB, period my a/c was with SJ so that I could not open another at a later date. Everything else should have gone. Do they hold my bank details still? What have they got on me?
For a company to send information to another 5+ years later so it can sanction an a/c that has run smoothly with that company for 5+ years and has never been subject to any query, cannot be right. I am going to the Data Protection Commissioner on this issue, which is where members may be able to help. So:
1. If you have a similar situation please don’t accept it, complain to Unibet and contact the Data Commissioner. The more complaints the better the case.
2. If you have friends with a Unibet a/c ask them about things and if a similat situation is applicable complain.
3. If you know of any ‘punter’ betting sites I can post to about this, so I can raise the issue and hopefully generate lots of complaints, please let me know. The greater the publicity, the more ‘stink’ we can cause Unibet.Right now, with the actions of Facebook / Cambridge Analytical data is high profile. The Data Commissioner is sharpening her knives for action. If we can include this dubious practice of the bookies on swoping data to sanction betting a/cs the time is right.
Hope you can help me on this. As they say “when the fun stops, STOP”. Or in this case, the fun is about to start and it certainly
won’t stop until the bookies squirm and hopefully get fined. ThanksGraham Wilson
ParticipantMatt, something wrong with Wolverhampton. Regina Nostra is in the 7.40 and Nautica in the 8.10 yet they appear as the 1st and 2nd choice in the SAME race. Not possible. What’s the correct ratings for those two races please
Graham Wilson
ParticipantWolverhampton seven races and six selections. The 5.45 horses are 6.15 runners so I think the 5.45 options are missing?
Graham Wilson
ParticipantChepstow off as 60 mil of rain /
snow in last 48 hours. Living in Wales I knew it rained lots but that’s Noah’s Ark stuff and my day at the races is off.All weather racing today I think.Graham Wilson
ParticipantJust over 1 hour to 1st race of the day. Are postings in another place today?
Graham Wilson
ParticipantOff to Worcester races today, got a horse, Strangsmill, running in the 3.45. This will be Millie’s 1st run since her summer hols and the trainer thinks she will need the run. It’s a prep race for a mares race we will be entering her for at Warwick on the 26th.
The trip is a bit short for her but she will love it if the rain gets in to the ground as she likes good to soft. I don’t think she has the speed for 2 miles so I will be playing the place market with a small e/w with the on course bookies as she will need this run to get her fully fit.
Graham Wilson
ParticipantStan, I am a punter too and as I said at the first post on this topic, I appreciate the sharing of tips and I am grateful for the info. I’m not suggesting stopping sharing tips.
I am no lawyer so don’t have a definitive legal view to give but to me if you cut and paste word for word someone else’s work then it remains their work and their intellectual property and legally they can prove that. I guess if you take that information and pass it on as your own without disclosing the source you could argue it is coincidental to info found elsewhere. It would be up to the tipster to decide if they want you on their book if they believe you are passing on their information and preventing them earning a fee.
I see one of THIS sites rules is you do not promote other sites so unless it is YOUR info to give isn;t that what is being done?
I have nothing to gain raising this issue apart from making sure a great site I subscribe to isn’t compromised by sharing info that clearly comes from unrelated third party sites WITHOUT that sites permission. It’s not as simple as saying ignore it is you don’t want to use it. If it is on the TPS site from a 3rd party site without that sites permission I think we have a problem but I am no legal expert. Jut a concern for the well being of TPS
Graham Wilson
ParticipantLike most members I just pay a monthly sub so have no idea if this is going to be policed by anyone. I’m just going with the site wording of not to abuse the site, I guess it’s one for Matt to ponder and rule up on
Graham Wilson
Most of the sites I have subscribed too before have clauses in their site wording to prevent duplication of their site info. I don’t know if this site does but I suspect it wiil, that is pretty standard in the industry. I am not so sure you can say you’ve paid for it so can do with it as you wish. You don’t create the info, it isn’t yours to gift is my opinion
I think it ought to be checked out so we are not doing anything that can damage TPS as it is a fantastic site
Graham Wilson
ParticipantThis is a good site. I think it is fantastic that members want to share their own tips which they have found through their own ingenuity, research etc. That’s very generous of them to share so thanks for that and the profit it brings.
I do have concerns that we are now including information from 3rd party sites, such as INNER CIRCLE, which I imagine is WITHOUT THAT SITE’S PERMISSION. I am guessing today’s post is just cutting and pasting that content word for word. To me that is dangerous as I imagine that is being done WITHOUT permission so in effect stealing their intellectual property. Does that open up the TPS site to issues if the other site find out? I think it could. What do others think?
Graham Wilson
ParticipantMatt, Today’s ratings missing 7.20 Ayr and the whole of Chelmsford
Graham Wilson
Participantoff to Aintree as I have a 50% interest in a mare called Strangsmill [we call her Millie]. Ex Irish P to P, lightly raced in UK but top 4 in last 3 races. Ground should suit her so e/w chance. Hope so as long way from South Wales to go to see her lose!
Graham Wilson
ParticipantIan, Family first. Your input is always appreciated but in view of what’s happening to you and your family please, that’s the priority. Hope all goes well and you can enjoy Christmas. Best regards.
Graham Wilson
ParticipantWishing you both the best. Some personal knowledge of what you are experiencing and if it is of help, I found it is key you stay strong and positive, which I am sure you will. It will be the best that you can do for your wife because at times she will be low and need that support from you. It does help and will make a great deal of difference to her. So all the best and take the best out of each day.