TPS Ratings Forums Successful Strategies

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  • #4240
    James McCarthy

    Do you use a stop at certain amount of losses method for your approach also?

    jacqueline mclean

    mondays class 4 or better handicap races

    115 newc
    235 chep
    310 chep
    315 eps
    320 rip
    330 cart
    405 cart
    420 eps
    430 rip
    440 cart
    455 eps
    510 cart
    525 eps

    jacqueline mclean

    as am yet to record a losing week using this method albeit based on a very limited sample of races (july 19 th) it was a god send that keith posted me the ratings on a spreadsheet from march 22…twas keen to get stuck into these and started with a bang but alas a losing week in week 2…with ians help will get through them in due time…will post results up here a week at a time until completed…got through 2 weeks today despite having a lot on

    march 22nd to 26th 2016

    22nd…+13.90…stopped race 7
    24th…+8.64…stopped race 1
    25th…+6.95…stopped race2
    26th…+7.79…stopped race 6

    a fairly awesome start up 36.52 pt for the week…fingers crossed for more of that

    march 28th to 2nd april 2016

    28th… -6
    29th… +9.61…stopped race 3
    30th… +3.37
    31st… -6
    1st… -6.31
    2nd… -3.69…a saturday and a long slog with bets in 15 races

    p/l for week – 3.69

    running total = +32.83

    jacqueline mclean

    summary of this weeks plays

    mon…minus 1pt
    tues…minus 8pt
    thurs…plus 2.86pt
    fri…plus 4.8pt…stopped
    sat…plus 7.5pt…stopped

    overal p/l = +16.76pt

    jacqueline mclean

    praise god…found a hotspot and an early day with 2 free bets landed with betfair sportsbook ch 4 racing offer…got the black eyed blasting my ears so time to enjoy the party


    saturdays class 4 or better handicap races

    225 newm…1+3…no bet
    300 newm…2+7…plus 4.2 pt
    320 good…3+13…plus 3.3 pt…take the money and run +7.5pt on the day
    335 newm…9+5
    400 cart…1+5
    420 bev…5+1
    435 cart…2+5
    445 newm…3+1
    455 bev…2+3
    505 good…4+7
    510 cart…1+2
    520 newm…1+4
    525 wind…2+3
    540 good…1+6
    620 red…1+6
    735 wind…3+6

    jacqueline mclean

    error already

    300 nm…3+7

    jacqueline mclean

    plz double check race card numbers against matts ratings

    saturdays class 4 or better handicap races

    225 newm…1+3
    300 newm…2+7
    320 good…3+13
    335 newm…9+5
    400 cart…1+5
    420 bev…5+1
    435 cart…2+5
    445 newm…3+1
    455 bev…2+3
    505 good…4+7
    510 cart…1+2
    520 newm…1+4
    525 wind…2+3
    540 good…1+6
    620 red…1+6
    735 wind…3+6

    jacqueline mclean

    saturdays class 4 or better handicap races

    225 newm
    300 newm
    320 good
    335 newm
    400 cart
    420 bev
    435 cart
    445 newm
    455 bev
    505 good
    510 cart
    520 newm
    525 wind
    540 good
    620 red
    735 wind

    jacqueline mclean

    FRIDAYS RESULTS…calling it a day here as my broadband speed did not allow me to get my bet on in the 515 (ee…terrible providor but cheap)..this means i am 5.8pt up on the day though technically we are only 4.8 plus…like an early day though lol

    fridays class 4 or better handicap races

    235 newm…1+2…no bet
    245 ffl…4+3…no bet
    345 newm…5+1…minus 1pt
    405 thir…3+2…minus 2pt
    440 thir…4+3…minus 2pt
    455 newm…5+1…minus 1pt
    505 ffl…1+5…plus 4.2pt
    515 thir…1+2…minus 1pt
    530 newm…1+2…plus 7.6pt…quit betting plus 4.8pt on the day (+ 5.8pt thanks to ee lol)
    605 good…1+2
    655 ham…7+1
    710 good…3+1
    725 ham…3+1

    jacqueline mclean

    1 would double check these against matts ratings as am prone to errors

    fridays class 4 or better handicap races

    235 newm…1+2
    245 ffl…4+3
    345 newm…5+1
    405 thir…3+2
    440 thir…4+3
    455 newm…5+1
    505 ffl…1+5
    515 thir…1+2
    530 newm…1+2
    605 good…1+2
    655 ham…7+1
    710 good…3+1
    725 ham…3+1

    jacqueline mclean

    fridays class 4 or better handicap races

    235 newm
    245 ffl
    345 newm
    440 thir
    455 newm
    505 ffl
    515 thir
    605 good
    655 ham
    710 good
    725 ham

    jacqueline mclean

    no probs mick…been a long day


    240 leic…3+2…minus 1pt
    310 leic…1+2…minus 1pt
    400 muss…2+4…minus 1pt
    420 font…5+1…minus 1pt
    455 font…3+6…plus 4.4pt
    500 sedg…7+2…minus 1pt
    525 font…1+2…minus 2pt
    600 sedg…2+5…minus 1pt
    730 sedg…3+1…plus 6.46pt
    845 wolv…4+nr…no bet

    days p/l = plus 2.86pt

    Mick Simpson

    Thanks for that. But awkward today changing to nightshift so a watching day

    jacqueline mclean

    yes…race cards number…only back at 4+ bfsp

    first race beaten in a photo

    Mick Simpson

    Jaqueline, I presume these are horse numbers? and dutching when two numbers appear.

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